Just started to pay bills, and it is so discouraging! I just got paid, and it is almost gone. I haven't even paid half of what I need to this check. Not to mention, gas and groceries. Kinda have to buy them!!! And the collection agency people want to call every day!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Urgh... I hate paying bills!
It's Complicated
Friday, February 26, 2010
Well, I survived another week! I have been sick for almost two weeks now. I think I am finally getting better. I am still awaiting my tax return. My nerves are absolutely torn up!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wow, this week has been busy! I did finally get my taxes to my accountant! Guess I will have to wait to see how it turns out.
Other than that, it has been rush, rush, rush! It is not very easy trying to be everthing for everyone. But I manage. Besides, I love the people in my life, and just want to be there for them.