Saturday, February 13, 2010

So for Another Moment of Honesty

No, I haven't really been on a date since I was separated. But I have managed to make a few mistakes along the way.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

No one is better than me, and I am TRYING to better myself, so don’t judge me.

I have been on the phone with the mortgage company, again. This is so fustrating! It is embarrassing enough to be behind without having to be transferred to representative after representative, trying to explain what your year has been like and why you have been late! I spent 45 mins today talking to them.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I think I need a drink. It's been one of THOSE days!

I think I need a drink. It's been one of THOSE days!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Yep... we all have them. I was almost late to work. I managed to make it through 8 hours of working steadily, yet never getting anything accomplished. Leaving work, I ran out of gas as soon as I pulled out of the parking lot. Waited for 45 mins for someone to bring me gas. Started pumping gas and TRANSACTION CANCELLED flashes repeatedly at me. I am pretty sure the gas pump is mocking me at this point. Of course, when I walk into the store to make sure it processed the little bit of gas I did purchase, the girl looks at me like I am the dumbest persom she has EVER seen (that just isn't nice). Then I get my daughter an hour later than I should have!

... and how rude that approx. 100 people passed me by as I was sitting on the side of the road (and YES, I knew some of them!!!) There will be heck to pay:)

It could always be worse... 
Things are gonna change I can feel it!

Urgh, It's already Monday!

The weekends go by so quickly. I would like to send a special thanks to Adderall* and Monster/Rockstar energy drinks for helping me survive Mondays!

*I am prescribed this for ADD.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl

I love football! Yes, I am a female who loves to watch football. Not sure if I will stay up for the whole game tonight, but I am going to try. It kinda makes me sad to think that I'll have to wait until fall for the next game. Spring games just aren't the same. Oh well, guess I should be pumped since Nascar is starting up again.


Getting Honest with Myself -- MONEY

I guess there comes a time when you need to just suck it up, and admit your short comings to yourself.

I am aware of my imperfections, I just don't want to admit to them. I need to quite sugar coating everything to make myself feel better! I May be able to fool everyone around me, but it is time to say, I am a HOT MESS!