Just started to pay bills, and it is so discouraging! I just got paid, and it is almost gone. I haven't even paid half of what I need to this check. Not to mention, gas and groceries. Kinda have to buy them!!! And the collection agency people want to call every day!
It would be different if it was just one call, but it is up to 10 a day... get a clue, if I had it I would pay! I haven't been late on a bill until the last couple of months... I've explained it, to like everyone that works there...PLEASE QUIT CALLING!!! I know they are just doing their job, and I'm the one in the wrong, but I am so tired of it. I feel like I am being harrassed, and that isn't helping me get the money any faster. I am working overtime too, so needless to say I am tired and feel like I can snap at any given moment. Then I have to try to be pleasing:) That's me, pleasing.
My fault for getting into this mess.
I'm just venting... I am sure I will feel better in the morning as I am dragging myself into work, trying to make another dollar...
Wish me well!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Urgh... I hate paying bills!
It's Complicated
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