Independence, and not answering to anyone.
This can sound like fun, but if you are a single mom, you know better. Independence is a blessing and a curse. I did enjoy not having someone to boss me around...but I had NO clue all the responsibilities that came with it!
Taking care of my daughter was always my responsibility, so it came easy. My ex always did the outside work, the bills, and basic household maintenance. I knew he did this, but I had to learn the best method for working these things into my everyday routine. I am still learning.
I am not a naturally organized person, so prioritizing and completing all the tasks that need to be done is very difficult for me. Bills defiantly qualify for the torture category, and are not my strong point at all. It seems the more I try to get ahead, the more that stands in my way. I am so stubborn, I refuse to give up and ask someone for help. I want to do this on my own!
Remember, we all have someone to answer to.
Tools I am using for organizing
Microsoft Works 9.0
Microsoft Office Professional 2007 FULL VERSION
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